Violet Madsen-duBord
Name |
Violet Madsen-Dubord |
Image |
Aliases |
Violet |
Date of Birth |
April 2nd, 2008 (age in 2030: 22) |
Place of Birth | Los Angeles,CA, USA |
Date of Death |
- |
Place of Death |
- |
Species |
Vampire |
Gender |
Female |
Height |
? |
Weight |
? |
Hair Color |
Black / variable |
Eye Color |
Violet |
Skin Color |
Pale |
Parents | Elizabeth Dubord, Caleb March |
Siblings |
None |
Spouse |
None |
Children |
None |
Occupation |
Student, bartender |
Affiliations | The Little 15 |
Alignment |
Chaotic Good |
Archetype |
Vampire |
Born in 2008 to parents Caleb Madsen and Elizabeth DuBord, Violet Madison duBord is a woman whose life has spanned a wide variety of experiences; where she was once an only child born to privelege, she is now an underground rebel and warrior against the forces of darkness. Oh, and, she's a vampire.
Her life was fairly predictable for the first 15 years. Her mother, a neaveau-riche full-time socialite, seemed only to want her daughter to make a fine accessory. Her father, a successful genetics engineer, was warm and loving, but perpetually busy. Violet made do as best she could, and was a model student and daughter throughout early high school (if somewhat rebellious against the high-society ethic of her native Beacon Hill).
When her mother divorced her father and absconded with her to Manhattan, things changed quickly. She resented her mother enough already, without destroying her social life, tearing her away from her father, and subjecting her to the critical mass of social shallowness and materialism that was the elder duBord's newfound political career. She did poorly in her new school, and soon dropped out entirely, almost unnoticed by her mother. She took in with one Nick Pellegrino, who would later turn out to have been a vampire. When all was said and done, her prior life was destroyed, and she was forever a creature of darkness.
She returned to Boston, forswearing her mother, and entrusted her problems to her father, who resolved to find a way to "beat the disease", and continues to break new ground in the scientific understanding of vampirism. Violet, for her part, got her above-ground life back on some sort of track, and rededicated herself to combating supernatural evils--especially predators like her vampire sire.
Today, she roams the streets of Boston by night, and woe betide any vampire, demon, or otherwise monster who dares to prey on the innocent.
Legacy, Titles, and Honors
Through her mother, Violet is a descendant of Clan duBord, an ancient lineage of Hunters. Unbeknownst to her, her mother moonlit as Vette, masked hero of New York, in her heyday, in much the same line of work (with somewhat more lawbreaking).
- G.E.D., Massachusetts Board of Education, 2028
- Dean's List, Harvard College, 2029-2030
- Participation trophy, 5th grade spelling bee
- Natural-born citizen, Unites States of America
- Criminal record: multiple juvenile counts of disorderly conduct, breaking and entering, theft, and possession of controlled substances--file sealed by juvenile courts. Adult record contains numerous misdemeanors including vandalism, squatting, and operation of an unlicensed vehicle.
- GSEC Designation: Violet has not yet gained particular notice of Globe Security beyond her public criminal record.
- Eldritch Accords:
- As a vampire of the Host of Suffering, Violet is part of the Court of the Long Night an accorded sovereign nation (of vampires).
- Relations between her kind an the Universal Academy of the Arcane are frosty, but peaceful.
- As a vampire, she is considered a foe of the Order of St. Pilitus, the Ananthemata Curialis, and other holy organizations.
Skills and Powers
As a vampire, Violet is fast and deadly. She is not far progressed along The Black, and is easily outclassed by darker and elder vampires; however, her proclivity for Blood Magic is remarkable for a vampire of her age. She has mastered the use of fundamental powers of Thaumaturgy as innate abilities, despite no ability in Spellcraft.
Possessing limited athletic prowess in her previous life, Violet has become somewhat adept at the use of various sporting goods, including baseball bats, hockey sticks, and golf clubs.
A proficient computer user, Violet is well versed in equipment and techniques used by private investigators. She lacks an official license, and sometimes has to enlist the help of underground hacker resources to get into the necessary databases, but she has an excellent nose for sleuthing.